Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Bold Fresh Tour

Searching for an artifact that could be analyzed using pentadic criticism, I came across the Bold Fresh Tour that is being hosted by Bill O'Reilly and Glen Beck in various cities across the United States.

The act is the Bold Fresh Tour itself; throughout the course of the tour, Glen Beck and Bill O'Reilly travel through America, offering their brutally honest comments and opinions to their audiences.
The agents of the Bold Fresh Tour are, of course, Bill O'Reilly and Glen Beck, two very blunt conservatives who have taken it upon themselves to educate America as to the truth of our current political situation.
The scene of the artifact varies; the tour travels through different states, including New York, Virginia, South Carolina, and California. The presentation itself, though, occurs in different theaters. The theaters are down to earth, a common meeting place for everyone instead of an overdone fancy hall that costs a fortune. This offers both an instant connection to the people who want to attend, and easy access to everybody.
The agency is oral communication. In every city, O'Reilly and Beck personally speak to their audiences, giving their speeches several times over.
The purpose of the Bold Fresh Tour, according to its speakers, is truth. O'Reilly delivers his "No Spin" spiel, while Beck follows with his blunt and comedic truth. In this way they hope to deliver information that, according to them, has henceforth been denied to the public by the flamboyantly liberal news media.

By analyzing the artifact, I have discovered these ratios:
Act-scene: the act itself determines where it will take place, namely in large cities with lots of people available to attend.
Act-agency: the tour also determines the agency, or the means by which the tour is accomplished. The nature of the tour cannot be changed, but the way in which it is carried out is planned for optimum success.
Agent-scene: O'Reilly and Beck are not invited to certain cities. They choose where they want to go.
Agent-act: O'Reilly and Beck worked together to plan this tour and make it happen. They put the whole thing together; without the agents, the act wouldn't take place.
Agent-agency: not only did O'Reilly and Beck choose to do the tour, they chose how they wanted to do the tour. This included choosing to speak in movie theaters instead of fancy auditoriums, so as to connect with people better.
Agency-scene: the agents want to make this tour appealing to regular people. To help advance this goal, they picked a scene that would be familiar and inviting to anyone; they picked a movie theater.
Purpose-scene: part of the purpose of the tour is to reach as many people as possible. This is accomplished by picking specific locations, specific scenes, that are highly populated and conservatively favorable.
Purpose-act: the tour would be useless if O'Reilly and Beck didn't have some sort of agenda to further. Their purpose, informing people, inspired the tour.
Purpose-agent: the calling of truth inspired both O'Reilly and Beck to do the tour.
Purpose-agency: This is similar to agency-scene. To suit their purpose, which is to reach as many people as possible, the agents arrange the tour in such a way as to appeal to everyone they possibly can (multiple locations, movie theater settings, etc.).


  1. Definitely do this for your artifact! It would be great to see you expand with what you have already started and you have a good foundation so far on this topic. I would like to see more details about what they expect out of doing this tour and what direction you see it going in. Nice choice for you.

  2. This artifact is very intersiting to me because I know a lot about Glen Beck and Bill Orielly and they are very interesting individuals. You can also use this for Ideological analysis because they are both very controversial indidividuals.
